30 November 2012

Microsoft Will Fix Random Reboot Windows Phone December 8.

10:40:00 AM
Microsoft Will Fix Random Reboot Windows Phone December 8, windows phone 8, microsoft, operation sitem,

Microsft announced its new Windows Phone 8 smoothly. But behind all of that there was a problem terajadi the operating system Windows Phone 8 is. 

After checking on the issue of random reboots and freezing on windows phone 8, Microsoft has promised to fix the problem memalui update system that will be launched in December. 

Microsoft Will Fix Random Reboot Windows Phone December 8.

Random reboots itself is a condition where the smartphone experience reboot or restart spontaneously for no apparent reason. Some users have also reported that Windows Phone 8 devices used experiencing freeze.

Origin Redmond software giant said that it had discovered the cause of the problem experienced random reboot Windows Phone 8 and promising Over The Air update to fix the problem.

     "We continue to investigate several reports of cell phone random reboot problems and have identified the cause with our partners. We are working to update over-the-air that will come out in December, "said Microsoft in a statement.

The cause of random reboot and freeze problems on your Windows Phone 8 is well known, Microsoft declined to mention the cause of the problem to the public.

This problem first appeared in early November when some Windows Phone 8 smartphone users complain of random reboot problem. Beberaa users are also experiencing problems freeze and email synchronization failure. Reportedly Microsoft will also release the first update using the Windows Phone 8 codenamed Apollo Plus in 2013. 

I do not know what actually makes Windows Phone 8 is becoming problematic. A few information technology on Microsoft Would Fix Random Reboot Windows Phone December 8.

source Geeky-Tekno.


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